My Food as Medicine conference teacher, chef and culinary translator tells fellow cookbook author Mollie Katzen in an interview that "yum" is an involuntary response to pleasure.
"Yum!" is a common response to her Everything Drizzle or Triple Triple Brittle in her book, The Healthy Mind Cookbook. "Yum" is so different, she says, than we expect to respond to healthy food, which we imagine as deprivation on the edge of sorrow and grief for what we are losing.
It can also be a delicious feeling to find new ways of understanding and caring for ourselves.
This next course combines the powers of mindful awareness and research-based brain nutrition.
Each class invites our inner wisdom to taste, perceive, and notice.
In the following week, we learn about the latest research related to the foods we have eaten and their potential impact on anxiety, pain, and sleep.
Eating with the brain in mind references my fascination with the current research on the role of nutrition, the gut organisms in the microbiome, and mental health. Did you know that serotonin is made in the belly?
As we eat many times a day, bringing kind awareness to eating is an opportunity to practice for all of us.
Mindful Nutrition means that instead of letting others decide, or just going by taste, we pay attention to which foods nourish us individually.
Next Class:
Tuesdays 9–11:15 am, 9/22-11/17/15
free orientation for class members and the public, Tuesday 9 am, 9/22/15
Sliding scale.
Early-bird pricing this week until 9/8/15.
Click here to register.
Interested but the class doesn’t work for your schedule?
Click here to learn about the benefits of individual mindful therapy for anxiety, pain, and insomnia and here to learn about weight loss and body acceptance counseling.
#mindfuleating #mindfulness #yum #sba #mbsr #ibs
You can sign up for the classes here.
May you and all beings be nourished.