Brief Energy Resets for Self-Care:
Self-Massage, Tapping, Breath
IM4US 2022:
Decolonizing Medicine
The latest research shows that mental health is a whole-body issue.
The contents of this email, website, and class are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be, nor can they substitute for, professional advice, diagnosis, psychotherapy, health care, or treatment. While classes engage in mindfulness and group sharing, classes are not psychotherapy or mental health treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
watercolor by Sally Baker
watercolor by Sally Baker
Want to talk more about how I could help you? Call 510-594-8224. You can leave a message at any time. You can also leave me an encrypted email here. Integrative Health Education for Anxiety and Depression, Couples Counseling, Mental Health Nutrition, Eating Meditation, Body Liberation, LGBTQIA+ Trauma, Emotional Freedom Techniques and Energy Psychology Continuing Education for Psychologists, Therapists, Nurses, and Health Coaches Oakland, Berkeley, San Francisco Bay Area, live online in California Boulder, Denver, live online in Colorado Spanish-speaking therapist • psicoterapia y consejería en español Privacy Policy |